Tuesday, December 22, 2009
As 2009 is nearing its end. I am just taking time to think of the lessons I learnt during this year. Its also time to make resolutions for the coming year but now its time for this rewinding.
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
I know life always doesn't throw us fair choices or solutions. But we are here for a purpose. A purpose which has deeper meaning than we can think of. I am a firm believer of God. So I believe everything happens for a reason and all that happens has something hidden for us. It could be a message, a lesson to be learnt or an opportunity. Its just in us to observe and grasp all that we can. This past year gave me many things to learn in terms of my life, both professional and personal. This past year I had the blessing to work from home and to take care of my little one. It was a real blessing. I did miss office and the gossips and coffee breaks but then its still good to be home and working and yet having your baby in front of your eyes. For all that we get we need to pay a price. Nothing comes free here. Its just us to weigh if the price we pay is worth it. For me it sure was.
I think we all have moments when we are doubtful of what the next step must be. Be it in terms of our personal life, in daily chores, and in bigger things like the direction of life we are leading. But then the very fact is that the answers to all that lies right before our eyes and yet we fail to see them, understand them. The reason is we are so much blinded by the doubt that our senses stops responding and we tend to stand still. One of my friend once told me this, " when in doubt, or when you want to take a big decision, sleep over it for 2 days. The delay is worth it and it sure clears the blocks. " I tried this say a 'n' number of times this year and trust me it helped. I tried this for the personal challenges I faced, for the important decisions regarding my career and I am here alive. It sure helps. Try it. A few small steps taken sometimes helps towards the successful long journey ahead.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
This is something we learn from parents and teachers wheile we are very young but many of us fail to practice it. This year there were many people who came into my life, new ones, old ones reconnecting. They hurt me, were good to me, few reacted and acted in ways which was tough for me to forgive but then looking back now I feel each of them were correct in their own ways. They had reasons to behave or act that way. And the time I spent sulking hating them was the time I lost to enjoy myself in whatever I could do during that time. The moments lost never comes back, so why waste your time hating people for no matter what they have done, we can still get over them and go on. I learnt this lesson. I will try to follow this everytime I start to sulk next year.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
Many of us have this wonderful jobs, a career to grow in but how many of us actually thought of this. When we are really sick our job provides for us but then they dont come and sit with us to say that you will get well soon. Your boss needs you back to work ASAP and will tell you to get well soon. But your family, say your child, husband and friends will say that to really see you back in your good health and mood. It doesn't matter what sort of salary or job you have. What matters is that they do and show such small gestures which really makes you feel special and wanted. And friends are like pearls. Good ones are rare to find. But finding is not the end of things. It means more to keep them. Staying in touch with them inspite of the busy lives we have is what adds that extra care factor to the entire thing. I will or promise to treasure my friends always. And a extra thanks to all my friends who helped me in their own small ways to make me feel wanted.
Credit cards... do not have them if yoi cannot manage them. I stopped using my credit card because I started spending more when I swipe the card. :). I promise to continue that in the following year. And another lesson, pay off all your bills on time, elevctricity, mobile, internet etc etc. On time is always better :))
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