Life Lately: Week 9
This is what the past week looked like.
I didn't realize how much I needed a sunny and 50 degree day.
Whole Food's lemon tahini salad is legit.
Social m...
Welcome to Generation Beta
As millennium baby, year 1981 to be exact, there are lots of things that I
truly missed- those good old days...
Gone were the days where kids find con...
Noah is 18
Dear Noah, I can't believe I'm writing this... but happy 18th birthday. You
know I've cried over this many times already, ;) buy ultimately I am so
very h...
Read Preeti Shenoy's posts on Substack now!
Hello my lovely readers,
It's been nearly 18 years since I started this blog. So now my blog is an
adult :)
Some years ago, I started something calle...
Passing The Baton
1. Write a blog post inspired by the word: changes I created Writer’s
Workshop after I started blogging in 2007 because while I was excited about
the idea ...
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
Ein Stein-Hochbeet ist eine Art von Gartenbeet, das aus Steinen gebaut wird
und auf erhöhtem Niveau steht. Es ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, um mehr
How To Go Live On TikTok and Instagram
Going live on TikTok and Instagram is a great way to get real up close and
personal with your audience. While it seems like doing a live story might
be the...
I’m extremely blessed to have had the relationship with my dad that I did.
He wasn’t just my father, he was one of my very best friends. I can recall
*"Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people." ~
Proverbs 14:34*
*"For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil..." ~...
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
This Saturday is a brand new episode of “Home Sweet Home” on Food Network.
My kids are helping me shoot it, my production company in the UK is editing
it t...
Fresh Start
The majority of us live in the rat race, the alarm goes off in the morning
and it's as if the shot gun just fired and were off through the maze of our
Vow of Justice
*Vow of Justice*
Blue Justice, Book 4
Lynette Eason
(Revell Publishing)
ISBN: 978-0800727208
August 2019/336 pages/$15.99
*Playing dead might just get her...
Hold My Heart
Hold my heart my sisters When I'm thinking of you When sadness comes And
I'm feeling down And I don't know what to do. Lift my heart my sisters Take
all my...
Why You Need to Support Small Business Saturday
Small Business Saturday Did you know that it's Small Business Saturday
today? Every year, it falls on the day after Black Friday as a way of
continuing ...
First steps to building the bridge
Anyone else ever taken a ridiculously long time away from something--and
then the struggle to get back to it just gets increasingly harder? That's
me wit...
So how was your summer?
Just read the damn story on my Facebook @semislackerconfessions. I've been
sitting here for 45 minutes trying to deal with Blogger & I'm fixing to
throw th...
The “What You Do” List
Our daughter is but a few days away from joining the ranks of legal drivers
in the Commonwealth of Virginia. In preparation (as well as to decrease,
The Weather Outside is Freezing
🎉*Happy 2018🎇*
I have return to my long neglected blog just for a look around.
The temperature is sitting at 23 degrees here in the South, and my last day...
Cara Membuat Variasi Anchor Text - Optimasi SEO
Ketika Anda mendengar kalimat cara membuat anchor text, saya yakin Anda
pasti berfikir bahwa, membuat anchor text itu digunakan sebagai komentar
spam atau ...
I Fail...I Pass
I try
I try hard
I fail
I get scared when I fail
But so do everybody
Winners were once losers
And that is what made them a winner
So why get scarey and be...
resep ikan bakar kecap
Namanya bisa serupa. Yakni, ikan bakar kecap manis. Orang pula bisa
mengklaim yang menjelaskan resep masakannya yang paling lezat. Namun, resep
ikan bakar ...
Promo Giant Ekspres
Promo Giant Ekspres - Raksasa adalah hypermarket dan pengecer rantai di
Malaysia, Singapura, Brunei, [2] Indonesia, dan Vietnam. [3] raksasa adalah
salah s...
Determined kitty
Tifa was determined to get in to this drawer. One leap and she would have
made it, but she decided to do it the hard way.
She did leap to the top drawer...
Random is What I do Best
So yesterday I mentioned the riveting information about my lost fitbit.
It's really no wonder that in the past 87 days I had gotten emails from
strangers ...
A Page from My Life 4 - Modesty
This is my favorite page in my art journal so far. It seemed to come
together quickly. I like when my thoughts flow from my head through my
hands without ...
It's Sunday/Monday: Check-In Time
Linking up with Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer and
It's Monday! What are You Reading? now hosted by Kathryn @Book Date.
A ...
The Circle (2015)
Full Length of The Circle in High Definition FormatNow you can download
full The Circle in HD format with duration 144 Min and has been aired on
Family Christmas Card Ideas, 2015 #Shutterfly
*This post brought to you by Shutterfly.//* Happy Monday! Can you believe
how close we're getting to Christmas? Are you in the holiday spirit yet?
The Soundtrack of My Life?
The last time I blogged, I believe it was snowing. We're about there again,
except we're in the middle of a record week for warm temps.
(Thanks for the wea...
Fighting the Big C
It comes when u least expect it! And the truth really hurts so bad! So bad
you would question God "why me?"
A few years back I started feeling in denial of...
Attn: Suparna,Olga,jayanti Shobhaa’s Take 13thFriday2015
Does stealth always works ....?
What Awaaz Network achieved on Remembrance Day in London is an
Giving Merry Thanks
Only in America can we turn the Spirit of Christmas against the
Gratefulness of Thanksgiving, all while reminding others not to forget what
each are abo...
Midnight Sun (2014)
Full Streaming Midnight Sun in Best QualityNow you can play full Midnight
Sun in HD video with duration 120 Min and has been aired on 2014-09-01 and
MPAA ...
Where you can find me now!
Thank you for finding me here in my long-time home on the web. Thing is, I
don't live here anymore. You can now find me every single Friday on my
podcast, ...
I Heart Faces | Props | Dana Suggs
I’ve missed a couple of challenges. And I was thrown a little by this
challenge because I don’t use a …
Continue reading →
My Daughter!
There are so many times throughout my day
that I shake my head and marvel.
This girl right here.
Daily she has me laughing.
Yesterday there were some ...
German Pottery Makers
There are conflicting reports and theories on when American Indians arrived
and when they arrived in the german pottery makers following paragraphs how
2015 - Your Year to Flourish
The last few years have been a time of just getting by, and when you are in
survival mode, you begin to anticipate that things will always be that way.
2014 Crazy Christmas Gifts You Didn't Get
I know… we’ve been pathetically absent from the blog.
We are still alive.
Still fighting the good fight against stoopid cancer.
Still losing teeth and ...
..Life on Highway..
Hello Everybody!
It’s been long long time…. How are you all doing? I am good. Life has
changed. Taken many turns, rather steep ones! Just wanted to shar...
LAKSHMEE- A short story (Guest Post)
*Many* years have passed since she left this imperfect and unjust world,
but still she floats around in my memories time to time. Today I have
decided to...
What a Difference You've Made In My Life
I have always struggled with contentment. Once I reach a goal I am
wondering, what's next? Is there more? Can it get better? Is this ENOUGH?
Even thoug...
This post is super overdue. But anyways, I hope you like viewing our
pictures from Secdea Beach Resort located at Samal Island. Our group outing
was super ...
A year in the making.
It's almost been a whole year since I've written on this blog of mine.
As my fingers are touching the keys, it feels good. REAL good actually.
Taking Time For Our Furbaby :: The 28 Day Challenge
*This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with
Pollinate Media Group® and Purina One, but all my opinions are my own.
#pmedia #ONED...
Modern Living Room Curtains Design Ideas 2011
Here are modern , elegant and stylish curtains interior design inspiration.
Added some curtains can make your rooms looks elegant and glamour.
Nowadays, cu...
So what is going on with me?
With SpongeBob playing in the background and the boys maneuvering all
around, I think I'll try to get a post officially "in the tank" here. The
day to day ...
Fresh Start
Not often that you see posts titled "Fresh Start" almost three months into
the New Year. Can you even CALL it a "new year" when you're almost three
months ...
I'm back...well, sort of!
I know, I know. It's been ages since I've published anything here on my
But I stopped by real quick to let you know I'm back...sort of.
I was hono...
So small and significant
It's the little moments that matter. I know everyone says that but it's
true, those are the magical moments. Unfortunately often times it's those
little mo...
A Curated Life: My 30th Birthday Present to Myself
Share/BookmarkOne of the best things about getting older, I’ve found, is
that you start to know, really know what you want. For dinner, as a career,
in lov...
Does what you do define who you are? Before I give you my answer I have a
few stories to tell. Last week I went to Eli's school for grandparents
Husband, House, and a Whole Lot of Crazy
So, my husband came home.
What a deployment, let me tell you.
I won't lie. Being left alone with two under 2 since mid-winter may be one
of the hardest t...
The Year of Growing: A New Direction
In January I dubbed 2013 The Year of Growing. My husband and I were making
a series of decisions that would have a significant impact on our family,
Hi all - woo hoo it's been awhile! So many things all going on at once.
Spring arrived like winter. I'm not amused. But if you saw the banner
below, I need...
Smile ..Come what may !!
A few years back when I started writing, the intention was not to come up
with some life changing philosophies or earth shattering truths. The
asshole t...
Dropping In to say Hello All
*Hello, Bet any of you that followed my blog in the past thought you would
never see the day that I would return. Actually I hope to visit here once
in aw...
Do I Even Remember How to Do This?
It's been over a year and a half since I posted here. It's not like I've
been busy posting at the Wordpress site, either; for the past year I've
barely blo...
30 Dr. Seuss Quotes
This week as been a bit rough, for a variety of reasons that I won't go
into now. There has been a lot of 'bleh' going on in my head and I am very
ready fo...
Top 10 Things I Have Learned from Running
1. Pounding pavement is better than pounding your fists.
2. Sweat washes you from the inside out.
3. Endurance is earned.
4. Determination is a decis...
Changing locations
It's official. I'm moving. Good-bye, sweet, blogspot; hello, wordpress.
So the new site is easy to remember, as it's the same name for this one,
only with ...
Going, Going, Gone (for a while)
Hey all -
So here's the deal: I've been writing this blog for over three years now...
but for the last several months, my heart really hasn't been in it. I...
Power Thoughts
[image: thoughts are powerful...]
[image: Sacrifice = investment in the future.]
[image: embrace the journey]
God sure doesn’t mess up on the timing ...
Birthday #8 WAS GREAT!
William- This was the birthday of ALL birthdays! We started with breakfast
in bed as usual!
Like every morning, you wake up surrounded in pigs! I think ...
Haiku heights
Ah! Save my soul from
Over crowded attention;
Loosing Clarity
Scattered randomly
The Eureka Expierence
You all know my LOVE of a little town in the Ozarks...Eureka Springs,Ar.
You all know I have been visiting for years...A few weekends ago I took a
Girls Tr...
I'm happier than...
I'm happier than I have ever been, and so...why do I feel like I could cry
any minute? Why couldn't the happiness have come around years and years
ago? Why...
We've moved!
Please come visit our new (and much improved) website *here*.
And, if you are following us through Google or feedburner, *be sure to*
*resubscribe* so you ...
Thank You Ladies!
Hi all! I wanted to take some time to thank all of you who left such
heartfelt comments on my updated post. That really made my day and I can't
Going Private!!!!!
We are going private with our blog. If you wish to continue viewing the
blog please comment or email me your contact information in order to be
added to th...
Have a Happy New Year
I've been gone so long that the emails have stopped coming and I've stopped
But for those kind enough to wonder where I've taken off to I thought...
Happy Birthday to me!
Today I am 47 years old and I'm so grateful for the wonderful life and
family I have! It doesn't seem that long ago that I would have thought 47
was old, ...
it's my birffday!
today is my birthday, and I have to say.... I am one blessed girl. The
older I get (eek.. i'm 25 now! halfway to 50!) the more and more thankful I
am just ...
{Bye Bye Birdies}
[image: Bird_s_Nest-Empty_Nest]Guess what BIG changes have happened in our
Yep, you guessed it…BOTH of our babies flew the coop and left for coll...
I have moved
Hi Everyone! Great news! This blog has officially moved. Just waiting to
have this link forward everyone over to my new site.
To find my Word-Filled W...
To my Mom~
So many times on Mother's Day children tend to focus on the good times and
all the things their mothers did well.
I certainly could write about on...
Why hello there. NEW BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um... what should I say?? It's been, what, 5 months?
I've missed this place a lot.
I'm not a twelve year old girl anymore, the girl I was when this blog...
Valentine's Day is Not for Everyone...
Firehubby and I went to the most fabulous bed and breakfast many years ago.
We wanted to avoid the Valentine's Day rush, so we went a bit early.
We real...
Well, Friends, I was able to drag my butt back to church yesterday. And it
went ok. There were a lot of friendly faces, and then there were a lot of
faces ...
Gap's Give and Get Program
Hello, out there! LONG time no see! I've been away for quite a while just
living life to the fullest. How blessed am I that I have the privilege of
This post has been published by me as a part of the *Blog-a-Ton 16*; the
sixteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and
we wri...
This Blog Is Moving And You Are Invited!
Lord willing, tomorrow is the day that I have been anxiously awaiting!
I told you, last week, that it would happen. And, here it is. Tomorrow this
will a...
Remember that new blog I mentioned like weeks ago?!?!?
Well its up and running.
I am *not* posting the link here on this blog though.
If you are int...
Thankful Thursday
I greatly thank God for the many preaching engagements this week. Last
Sunday I did the sermon at the church upon a very short notice from our
Senior Min...
Where have I been?*Drum-roll*
For those of you who have been wondering if I died, I am alive!
Is anyone out there who was wondering or am I just kidding myself? Hello!
As much as...
This blog has moved
This blog is now located at
You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here.
For feed subs...
My personal blog is on the move...
Although I do love the convenience blogger offers my followers from blogger
and Facebook, this blog spot just doesn't work well for me anymore. So, I'm
moving day
*Dear,I'm leaving you.It's not you. It's me.You've probably
heard that a million times.But it's the truth.You see.I've rekindle...
is this your kid?
Is she sweet and cuddly the moment it’s time for bed? Does she change her
mind mid-laugh to accuse you of being mean? Does she tell you she was
expecting “...
An Achiever
*Hi, I am back on my Princess' Diaries, to write a short update. I find it
hard to maintain two blogs at a time, but for now, am sharing a little
about my ...
Have You Seen My New Bloggy Home Yet?
I moved my blog on New Years Day. If you haven't come to see my new blog,
head on over HERE now. This blog will be available for archive reading but
I won'...
We Interrupt This Series of Posts..
to wish each and everyone of you a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
It is my prayer that if there is anyone who has not yet received the gift
of Ch...
So it's been forever since I've even visited this blog, much less posted
anything. Life has been tough lately, with best friends and family members
going t...
a few good books on marital intimacy
i have been reading a few very good books on marital intimacy latelty and
wanted to share the titles with you.
1. Becoming One by Robert F. Stahmann and Way...
Growing Up
We find out we are pregnant and it is such a great surprise. Then we give
birth to these beautiful bundles of joy. We watch as they grow and
sometimes cry ...
Not Again !!!!
Why does it happen? When ever I am in a good mood, happy about my
achievements or feeling great about myself, or looking forward for an
appriciation.... pe...
My Heart Hurts...
Today has been a really rough day. I got an email from my mother telling me
and my sisters that my fathers tumors have tripled in size in the last
week. It...
Blog on Hold
Hello bloggin' mamas! It has been too long since my last post, but
unfortunately I am going to have to put my Mom Stuff blog on hold
indefinitely. We have ...
A True TGIF!!!
Finally the news we have been waiting for 2 months to get. We close on our
house on Monday!!! It has been a very exciting and stressful time for us. I
am s...
A mother's wish
I just read my Mom's blog (MemeLorie) and I noticed her sweet little count
down clock on the right of her page. I am starting to get a little scared.
The c...
One day at a time. Hope this is one of the good days!
nice poem...
in life happiness and sorrows moves side by side....
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