Thursday, December 31, 2009

1. Regular to blogging. To write on everything I feel affects me in good or bad way.
2. Dare to live and achieve what is needed. Its important to take risks.
3. Live up to my own standards and believe in my own strenghts.
4. Smile more and practice to be happy for myself more than others.
5. Follow the 4 points above.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
       Self explanatory.

42. The best is yet to come.
       Wake up everyday to new hopes and new dreams. The best of things are just a little away than we usually reach out to grab. Never give up on hopes.

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
       Its in us and depends on us how we feel and how we react. The change of environment is the best solution to it. So show up whereever you need to be for that makes a lot of difference to what and how you feel.

44. Yield
        Give back.. we owe everything to someone or something. Be thankful always.

45. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.
        Life is not always easy. It might be for some people for sometime. But never for everyone all the time. Its just the matter of time. So treat life as a gift. There is surprise hidden in every moment. Smile and open. Life smiles back at you if you smile first. Its a mirror image. Be at your best and life offers you the best in itself.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

36. Growing old beats the alternative – dying young.
       Live life to the fullest. One life and one chance... take it or leave it.

37. Your children get only one childhood.
       Gift your child the best childhood they can ever have. Like I siad, one life, one chance, take it or leave it.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
       It doesn't matter how much you were hurt or the measure of how much you really gained or lost. All that matters is that you loved and how much you enjoyed doing that. expect little or nothing.

39. Get outside everyday. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
       Open your eyes to a beautiful world everyday. Expect miracles and happiness. One will always find hope waiting for you at the door. All we need to do is welcome it whole heartedly.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we would grab ours back.
       Show me one person who doesn't have problems. One person who can claim to succeed everytime and everywhere. God gives us only how much we can bear. He teaches us lessons just tough enough to make us tougher. Nothing more and nothing less. Its all par with what and how he created you. Believe that we can live upto his expectations.

Monday, December 28, 2009

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
       Nothing is permanent. Even the change will change. The patterns, the order and even the content for the change will change. The irnoy is we either welcome the change or completely oppose the change but does it make any difference atall. Life goes on as usual. Nothing ever matters more than we make it matter.

32. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
       This is something I learnt this year. To let go myself. I am also entitled for the pleasures of this universe. Noone is serious about me and what I need. Then why not let go and live life. Afterall at the end all that matters if if you are really happy.

33. Believe in miracles.
       Well, this is something I am teaching myself to believe in. I am not sure how far I have reached but I have started. Like I said, most of it are in the head. We need to believe for something to happen. It might not really happen but atleast we will be happy that we tried to believe in the happening. Thoughts are things which makes us happy in more ways than we think.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.
       God loves me. I truly believe in this. God loves me for who I am. And from my side I will be what he wants me to be. I am special to him and I will do my best to believe in his plans for me.

35. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
       There is nothing to be gained by taking the audit of what is lost and what is gained. We all have pur shares of profits and losses. All that matters is how you deal with them. And at the end, the power lies within ourself to deal with each of them. Most of the times we fail to recognise the power within us. Lucky are those who can see within oneself.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

26. Frame every so called disaster with these words “In five years, will this matter?”
        Well 2009 was a year of disasters in terms of my personal life. But answering that question to myself I feel nothing really matters not five years down the line but even few days. We might continue thinking of them and feeling bitter but nothing ever matters more than we think and make it matter.
27. Always choose life.
       Choose to choose life rather than giving up. Thinking back if I had to give up and call it quits, I could have done it everytime and so often that I would have had only time to gather the regrets. But I think somehow life steered its way for me to life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.
        Tough one to practice in reality. But if you can, you can succeed to be happy. Carrying grudges and anger just makes your journey tougher. leave the baggage of grudges away. It helps..

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
        Live like you don't care. You are what you are. No matter what people think you are special and unique.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
       I am sure we all believe in this one. But what we don't do is to give time. Time also needs the time to work on the healing.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

 21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, and wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is Special.
      Every day of our life is special. No matter what the future holds we still can live only in today. Worry doesn't do us any good but just snatches the happiness of the today too.

22. Over prepare, and then go with the flow.
       This is something which I need to learn and practice too. I am too much a planning person and get terribly upset when the plans don't work out that way. But then it so happens that most of the times, things never move the way you planned and on the spots plans work the best. :)

23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.
       Be Happy and at the best always..

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
        Very true. The likes and dislikes is in our heads. Its what we think that we act upon. Your head likes something and automatically you find your body and senses responding to it. Your head says no and there everything else stops there. Brain is the organ or the senses we need to keep a check on.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
       To be happy or not be happy depends on each of us. Its just that most us just hand the control to people, things and circumstances around us and sit back watch the show. Take charge. Its ok to be selfish to be happy.

Friday, December 25, 2009

The next 5 for the Christmas Day.. Merry Christmas to all of you..


16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
      This seriously helps. Especially when you are really angry and want to say something real bad. :). Have tried. It works. Will try it more often.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
       Anything which doesn't bring any joy is useless. Wether they are people, situations or even things. I intend to throw of few USELESS people in 2010. LOL. We need to work towards making us happy. Noone else cares if we are happy or not.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
       Everyday is a new challenge. This cycle nevr ends. We all hope for one day on which we don't have to really struggle it out. But everyday goves us new lessons, new challenges and new ways to cope up with them too. God doesn't give us more than we can deal with nor does he give us any less. He just gives us the right dose so that we become stronger. And the least he expects from us is that we give the best shot. So when the expectations are set right why not become stronger each day rather than not even trying to give them a try.

19. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
      We all have had childhoods. Some of us still have dreams left unfulfilled. This year my daughter turned 1. Everyday of mine with her is my second childhood. I try to do things for her which I somehow lacked somewhere. Its up to me to enjoy the moments. And why miss the chance because not only its my second childhood but the first one for my daughter too. Tomorrow she must not have many unfulfilled things to carry to her second childhood. :)

20. When it comes to go after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
        This is about will power. We all have strengths within us. Its just that few give up easily. Few hold on for a little long. And its those who hold on for a little long are the ones who are successful. Its them who follow their dreams and work towards achieving them. I have mine in place. And I will not leave any stone unturned to reach there. This is what I am carrying to 2010.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The next 5 learnings...

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
      For many of us, including me its very difficult to get over anything that happened in my past. Be it good experiences or bad ones. We keep brooding over them, set expectations based on them and just don't let go them from our heads. What does it all lead to that way? It all leads to misery and leaves us hurt as always. Its very important to step out of the past and enter into the present with a peaceful mind. The past hold no value, the future is of lesser value, what matters the most is the present. I will try to practice this in 2010 more effectively. We have to learn to accept the changes and learn to move on.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
      I am not a very experienced mother. But during the last year I have seen and learnt this that no matter how young your child is, they truly understand our moods. They might not know the reason but they sure sense the ups & downs. There have been days when I was so down that I have hugged my 1 yr old daughter and cried and all she did was hug me back till I was ok. And that's what i learnt. Its ok if my chold sees me when I am weak also. One of the lessons of parenthood.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
      One of the truths about life lies in this sentence. We all look at others and think that we lack what they have or that in someway they are more blessed and luckier than us. But when we take a look into their life is when we realise that everyone has their share of hardships, its just the order of the hardships that differ. The grass always seems greener on the other side of the river because we see the long view and not the closer and careful view. What happens is that we look into others life to find things which we lack. In that we fail to look into things which they lack. And we feel they are more blessed and luckier than us.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
       Self explanatory.... :)

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
      Its just a statement which means 'Trust in the Almighty'. He will never let you down or leave you in want.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

So here comes the next 5 lessons from 2009..

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
    When we argue or fight each of us want to win. Its easier said than done. I know. But still this is a lesson. We can keep this in mind when we feel so beaten if we feel we didn't score well in the argument. No two persons can agree on everything. A fact we all know but tough to accept. We dream of our spouses, sibblings, children, friends etc etc to agree on everything. Isn't it so good to imagine such a perfect combination. :). But there also lies a fact that its these disagreements and differences which makes each of us unique. And its really ok that we don't have a perfect world of people or things or situations. Its within these imperfections that there lies a perfect life. Its just within our head to remember this each time we come across something we don't approve of. Like I said, this is something we all know, but its easier said than done. We can still try. I did, I am and I will in 2010 also.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
    Thinking of crying, how many times in the past year I felt so miserable for things happening to me and around me which affected in some way. Few of the occassions I found people lending me a shoulder to cry on and on a few occassions I became the shoulders they would lean on. I am thankful to each of them who stood by me, heard me and consoled me and for the other friends, I am there for you. Reach out when you need me. I truly believe that the one's who stand by you in your worst of days are the ones you must keep in life for they are the real gems you are gifted with. Oprah once said, " Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.". Its so true. And I think we must show appreciation to such people in whichever ways its possible.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
    One of teacher once asked me while we were in school that how many of us pray before an exam that the exam must be easy for everyone of them in the class. I then realised, that yes we all pray for ourselves only. And after this fact hit me, believe me or not, I prayed before every exam that the exam must be easy for each one of us appearing, or the least of it all of us must pass. :). Somehow it made me happy then and today. The teacher who taught me this fact is etched in my memory. And I think God hears us when we are less selfish. And the amount of disappoinments we face all has a meaning. Atleast I try to belive in that. At the end all turns out to be for the good. I do get angry with God but its because of him is what I am today. So I still hold the faith. :). I am glad I do..

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
    This is a very important lesson. I was trying to do it from the day I started working. But finally this year I was able to start. I plan to continue.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
      Chocolates... mmm..ahhh.. mouth watering. Do not resist. And having chocolates also boosts your mood. So why not. Well for the weight concious ones... can't help..keep resisting. As for me, I am the least concious about that. :)))

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

As 2009 is nearing its end. I am just taking time to think of the lessons I learnt during this year. Its also time to make resolutions for the coming year but now its time for this rewinding.

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
    I know life always doesn't throw us fair choices or solutions. But we are here for a purpose. A purpose which has deeper meaning than we can think of. I am a firm believer of God. So I believe everything happens for a reason and all that happens has something hidden for us. It could be a message, a lesson to be learnt or an opportunity. Its just in us to observe and grasp all that we can. This past year gave me many things to learn in terms of my life, both professional and personal.  This past year I had the blessing to work from home and to take care of my little one. It was a real blessing. I did miss office and the gossips and coffee breaks but then its still good to be home and working and yet having your baby in front of your eyes. For all that we get we need to pay a price. Nothing comes free here. Its just us to weigh if the price we pay is worth it. For me it sure was.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
    I think we all have moments when we are doubtful of what the next step must be. Be it in terms of our personal life, in daily chores, and in bigger things like the direction of life we are leading. But then the very fact is that the answers to all that lies right before our eyes and yet we fail to see them, understand them. The reason is we are so much blinded by the doubt that our senses stops responding and we tend to stand still. One of my friend once told me this, " when in doubt, or when you want to take a big decision, sleep over it for 2 days. The delay is worth it and it sure clears the blocks. " I tried this say a 'n' number of times this year and trust me it helped. I tried this for the personal challenges I faced,  for the important decisions regarding my career and I am here alive. It sure helps. Try it. A few small steps taken sometimes helps towards the successful long journey ahead.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
    This is something we learn from parents and teachers wheile we are very young but many of us fail to practice it. This year there were many people who came into my life, new ones, old ones reconnecting. They hurt me, were good to me, few reacted and acted in ways which was tough for me to forgive but then looking back now I feel each of them were correct in their own ways. They had reasons to behave or act that way. And the time I spent sulking hating them was the time I lost to enjoy myself in whatever I could do during that time. The moments lost never comes back, so why waste your time hating people for no matter what they have done, we can still get over them and go on. I learnt this lesson. I will try to follow this everytime I start to sulk next year.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
    Many of us have this wonderful jobs, a career to grow in but how many of us actually thought of this. When we are really sick our job provides for us but then they dont come and sit with us to say that you will get well soon. Your boss needs you back to work ASAP and will tell you to get well soon. But your family, say your child, husband and friends will say that to really see you back in your good health and mood. It doesn't matter what sort of salary or job you have. What matters is that they do and show such small gestures which really makes you feel special and wanted. And friends are like pearls. Good ones are rare to find. But finding is not the end of things. It means more to keep them. Staying in touch with them inspite of the busy lives we have is what adds that extra care factor to the entire thing. I will or promise to treasure my friends always. And a extra thanks to all my friends who helped me in their own small ways to make me feel wanted.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
    Credit cards... do not have them if yoi cannot manage them. I stopped using my credit card because I started spending more when I swipe the card. :). I promise to continue that in the following year. And another lesson, pay off all your bills on time, elevctricity, mobile, internet etc etc. On time is always better :))

Monday, December 21, 2009

My dad used to say "Plan Ahead". This used to be sort of a punch line during the years of my growing up. I think I am sort of into this statement. I try to plan ahead but many a times plans fail and I end up going with the flow. Now I don't know if I am a bad planner or if the circumstances make my plans fail. :)

Well whatever is the reason, today I am having a grand plan :). I am going to start writting posts about my learning from 2009 starting tomorrow for the next 9 days (5 each day) and on the 10th day, the eve of the new year 2010 I will post my new year resolutions for 2010.

Anyone else wants to follow the trend, feel free and join me here.

Ok, I knew I had to come back to this. But I was just putting it off each day not because I didnt have things to write about or vent it out. Its just that I was being lazy. So finally when I had to come back I had to come back with a change in look, a make over and a promise that I would be regular here from now on. So the makeover I have given to my blog is the new template. I just managed to fit in everything here. I need to know your opinions on how it looks now. And as far as being regular is concerned, I promise to do my best :)

Friday, October 09, 2009

Questions RULES:

Respond and rework – answer these questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own, and add one more question to the list.

Then tag new set of people.

1.What is your current obsession? Games on Facebook
2. What are you wearing today? Night dress.
3. What’s for dinner? Not decided yet
4. What’s the last thing you bought? Dresses for my Diya
5. What are you listening to right now? Sara Jahan Aaj Jagega - from Ghulam e Mustafa
6. What do you think about the person who tagged you? No one tagged me, I picked it up from another blog I follow. A good writer.
7. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Hawaii Islands
8. What are your must-have pieces for summer? Sunscreen.
9. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Kumarakkom in Kerala for a good Ayurveda massage
10. Which language do you want to learn? Nothing on my mind actually
11. What’s your favourite quote? " Its good to be important but its more important to be good "
12. Who do you want to meet right now? Hubby.
13. What is your favourite colour? Green
14. What is your favourite piece of clothing in your own closet? Lots of them actually. Cant pick one
15. What is your dream job? Full time Homemaker or Housewife :)))
16. What’s your favourite magazine? Not into Magazines much
17. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? Mobile, A Diamond set. :)
18. What do you think of Tweeter? Micro Blogging :) - My question
19. Who according to you is the most over-rated style icon? Haven't thought about that ever.
20. What kind of haircut do you prefer? Anything that suits me
21. What are you going to do after this? Bath.
22. Who is your favourite sport star? None.. don't follow sports
23. What are three cosmetic/makeup/perfume products that you can't live without? Body Lotion, Soap, Deo
24. What inspires you? Good results, Appreciation and Good Motivation
25. Give us three styling tips that always work for you: No makeup, Well moisturised skin, a good bindi
26. What do you do when you “have nothing to wear” (even though your closet’s packed)? Avoid going out :)
27. Coffee or tea? Coffee.
28. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed? I sleep or listen to music and read or play games
29. What is the meaning of your name? Light
30. Which other blogs do you love visiting? The ones I follow.
31. Favorite Dessert/Sweet? Chocolates cakes, pastries, gulab jamun, carrot halwa.... mmmm you name it.
32. Favorite Season? Winter and Rains.
33. If I come to your house now, what would u cook for me? Maggi :)
34. What is the right way to avoid people who purposefully hurt you? Just avoid them, Don't talk to or about them.
35. What do you love most about yourself? I love the way I genuinely care for my loved ones and how tempted I become to help.
36. Whats the use of doing this tag? Nothing. Just makes you think a bit and gives sometime to relax. Now that I am over with the tags I am supposed to tag some people. If you have already done these tags, leave those and do the rest.

Happy Tagging.... Its fun to do and read the answers of other bloggers. :)

How DUMB are you?
The more [x]’ s the “dumber” you are.

[ ] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were talking
[ ] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking
[ ] You have ran into a glass/screen door
[ ] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle
[x] You have thought of something funny while walking by yourself
[ ] Laughed, then watched people give you weird looks

So far: 1

[x] You have run into a tree/bush.
[ ] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow
[ ] You have tried to lick your elbow… a few times
[x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little star have the same rhythm.
[x] You just tried to sing them.

So far: 4

[ ] You have tripped on your shoelace and fallen.
[ ] You have choked on your own spit .
[ ] You have seen the Matrix and still don’t get it.
[x] You’ve never seen the Matrix.
[x] You type only with two fingers.

So far: 6

[ ] You have accidentally caught something on fire
[ ] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose/eyes.
[ ] You have caught yourself drooling.
[x] You have fallen asleep in class and fell outta your chair

So far: 7

[x] Sometimes you just stop thinking
[x] You are telling a story and forget what you were talking about
[ ] People often shake their heads and walk away from you
[ ] You are often told to use your “inside voice”.
[ ] You use your fingers to do simple math

So far: 9

[ ] You have eaten a bug
[x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something more important
[x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn’t realize it
[ ] You’ve looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand
[x] You have ran around naked in your house.

So far: 12

[x] You re-post bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don’t.
[ ] You break a lot of things.
[ ] Your friends know not to use big words around you.
[ ] You tilt your head when you’re confused
[ ] You have fallen out of your chair before

So far: 13

[ ] When you’re lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture of the ceiling or wall
[x] The word “ummmmm” is used many times a day.


I am (14/37)*100 = 37.84% DUMB !!! .....

Friday, September 25, 2009

For once in my life I am actually not looking forward to weekends. This seldom happens in the life of IT people. They work their a** off on the weekdays and almost always Fridays are the best days at work.. :). Looking forward to the weekend brings so much more happiness than actually living and doing things over the weekend. Past 2 weeks have gone by as long weekends and I am so angry that I have nothing to do. :(

I kill my weekends playing with my little one, otherwise reading or yeah playing farm town. Have reached the max level there too so there is no much fun playing it anymore. But still just hang around there rearranging and restructuring my farm. I think it somehow has become my dream farm :). Wish I could have one such thing sometime in my life.

Ok coming back to the weekends things.. I am so bored. Wondering what to do!!. In a way I somehow feel better if its a working day. At least I end up tired in bed and don't have to think whats there to do tomorrow... hmmm hmmmm....

PS: the pics you see above are the ones from my Dream Farm. In case you are wondering, that's the from the Farm Town Game on the Facebook.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

  1. From now on, you can't tell lies, are you ready? OK! J Will try my best
  2. Think back six months ago, were you single? Nope
  3. What do you carry with you at all times? My wedding ring and 2 other rings. I believe they are lucky. (I wear them)
  4. When you say you don't care, do you mean it? Not really. I think 8/10 times its to escape the moment or person. Most times it means wish I could stop caring or I’m going to try to stop caring.
  5. How are you feeling? Overwhelmed…Missing my hubby. :(
  6. Is something wrong right now? Right now.. I think I am just feeling worried.
  7. Are you mad at someone? No
  8. What's on your mind? Well.. a lot I guess.
  9. Are you jealous of someone right now? I think women by nature are jealous. Yes I am. For not getting something I deserve but I see another side of it as ‘ may be God has something else in store of me ‘
  10. Do you have a piggy bank that's actually shaped like a pig? Never did!
  11. Do you want to start over with anyone? Not really but in general if I can erase of some bad memories I think its all good.
  12. Do you know if anyone likes you? hmmm…ya blush blush…!
  13. Are you good at hiding your feelings? yes, If I want to and if I feel OK on my own.
  14. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Working & and see am blogging.. LOL
  15. True love or 1 billion bucks? Of course True Love
  16. Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? All the time. That’s the most common compliment I receive
  17. Anything you would change about your life right now? Who doesn’t want to do a selective change? Well I am not different
  18. You have to get a tattoo, where and what do you get? I am not a tattoo person..
  19. Could you cry right now? Yes I think. If I have a conversation with God and If I think of something I have been wanting and not got yet
  20. Do you ever think about stuff and start crying? Oh yes. Specially if I’m alone.
  21. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking? I think this is tough for me – Holding back. I really can’t. Usually a very spontaneous person and react pretty quick. So its like I have to make a conscious effort to hold back.
  22. Are you okay with the life you live? Looking up – ‘No there is still so much I need to accomplish in life’. Looking down – ‘God has been kind to me and I am blessed in many ways. Thank You God’
  23. Last person you told a secret to? Don’t have much secrets as such. And If I do, it wont be one if I share..LOL
  24. Do you like hugs? Of Course ! But got to be from the right people, right time.
  25. Do you believe true love can conquer anything? Tricky one.. No experience in this one
  26. When was the last time you cried? Sep 23, 11 PM
  27. How much money did you spend today? Nothing yet.
  28. What are you sitting on right now? My rotating chair
  29. Who's the last person you IM'd? Suma
  30. What's something you really want right now, be honest. Join my hubby with a job in hand.
  31. How do you feel about your hair right now? I need to comb it.
  32. What did you do yesterday? Work, read a book, TV and sleep.
  33. Would you forgive a friend for telling your biggest secret? Depends.. on what and whom it was disclosed to.
  34. Is there someone that makes you happy every time you speak with them? Yes, but not disclosing the name.
  35. When's the last time you said you were fine and you really weren't? This morning
  36. Is someone on your mind right now? Yes… lots of them
  37. Who's birthday is coming up? My dad’s – the 8th of Nov. he is turning 60.
  38. Were you happy when you woke up? I was anxious. Actually when I woke up I was just lying thinking of my hubby and if he was OK and there he calls even before the thought ended. I had tears in my eyes. Miss him in many ways, more than I thought I would.
  39. What is one emotion you are feeling right now? Nothing actually. My novel is waiting. Need to finish this and run.
  40. What's the last thing you ate? Lunch – Rice, Brinjal curry
  41. Are you easy to get along with? That’s what people say.
  42. Ever cheated on someone? No Comments. Says it all I guess !!
  43. Who is the last person to send you a text? 121 – customer care of Airtel
  44. What are you currently listening to? The ceiling Fan, Diya, and my thoughts

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Secret

PS: A good one. I could not resist sharing it.

One day, one friend asked another, "How is it that you are always so happy? You have so much energy, and you never seem to get down." With her eyes smiling, she said, "I know a Secret!"

"What secret is that?" To which she replied, "I'll tell you all about it, but you have to promise to share the Secret with others." "The Secret is this: I have learned there is little I can do in my life that will make me truly happy. I must depend on God to make me happy and to meet my needs. When a need arises in my life, I have to trust God to supply according to HIS riches. I have learned most of the time I don't need half of what I think I do. He has never let me down. Since I learned that 'Secret', I am happy." The questioner's first thought was, "That's too simple!" But upon reflecting over her own life she recalled how she thought a bigger house would make her happy, but it didn't! She thought a better paying job would make her happy, but it hadn't. When did she realize her greatest happiness? Sitting on the floor with her grandchildren, or other children, playing games, eating pizza or reading a story, a simple gift from God. Now you know it too! We can't depend on people to make us happy. Only GOD in His infinite wisdom can do that. Trust HIM! And now I pass the Secret on to you! So once you get it, what will you do? You have to tell someone the Secret, too! That GOD in His wisdom will take care of YOU! But it's not really a secret... We just have to believe it and do it... Really trust God!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Could not stop myself. I am so happy. Nothing very great to be happy about but I just need to remember this day. Nothing better than writing a post here. I think its better to add up small small happiness everyday and cherish each of them like its something really big. Trying to walk on that path now. :)

Ok coming to today. How does it feel when you meet someone after a long long time and doesn't it add up to be more special when the one who you meet is someone you have been longing to meet? Well that's what exactly happened. No much words to write about it. Simple and neat.. Am just happy. It rained soon after and it just made the moment perfect. Think the sky was happy for me too. Sharing and saving a memory here... Thank You God... :)

Here's a little 'GET TO KNOW ME' fun a sport and please keep it going. This what you need to do...cut and paste this entire blog ( copyright!) and answer the questions and paste it on your the end name the persons you want to tag.
1. How tall are you barefoot?
5'4'' :)
2. Have you ever smoked before?
Yes, just to see how it feels to smoke. But couldn't take even a puff properly so dumped the idea. And the verdict: not my style..
3. Do you own a gun?
No, not at present but sometimes when I am angry i think 'wish I had one'..
4. If you had a mental disorder, what would it be?
Amnesia.. he he
5. How many letters are in your crush's name?
Does it matter, when it got crushed?? And doesn't it keep changing from time to time.. he he and now I think am old for crushing and being crushed...
6. What's your favorite silly song?
Lots I guess... :)
7. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Tea or coffee..doesn't matter if nothing is available too
8. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Pending stuff at work, Need to talk to my hubby, and whats pending to be done at home.
9. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Secret... we will take it offline.. :)
10. Do you own a knife?
Ya, 4-5 in the kitchen. Should serve the purpose when needed..
11. Name the last thing you have bought today.
Eggs, Lays, 4-30 PM yesterday.
12. Name five drinks you regularly drink.
Water, Tea, Cold Coffee, Pepsi, Miranda.

13. What time did you wake up today?
7-30 am
14. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Smile and everlasting smile...
15. What song did you last hear?
Some rhymes with my daughter..
16. Favorite place to be?
Home - with my family of course..
17. Least favorite place to be?
Boring parties and seminars..
18. Do you own slippers?
I am assuming you know the answer..;)
19. Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
10 yrs older.. on earth unless life starts on the Moon :)
20. Do you burn or tan?
Tan of course.. :) Burn at times.. when I am jealous.. can't help.. he he
21. Yellow and blue?
22. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Anything which comes to my mind then...
23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
24. What's in your pockets right now?
Nothing. The dress doesn’t have pockets!
25. Last thing that made you laugh?
Talking to my friend - Gossip :)
26. Best bed sheets you had as a child?
Bed sheets?? They were never in my list of favorites as a child.
27. Worst injury you've ever had?
A broken heart. Why did he do that!? :((
28. Do you wish on stars?
Yes.. Gives some hope isn't it..
29. What were you doing 1 AM last night??
Sleeping .... deep in dreams..
30. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
I want to meet the person on my thoughts right now. This is someone I have not met for about 3 yrs now.

I want Molly and Amit to write this tag.
And yes.. I want to know their answers..

Tagged: Molly and Amit

I liked this tagging and tagged myself. My friends are free to follow. :D.

Here are the rules:

RULE 1:You can only say Guilty or Innocent.

RULE 2:You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you and asks!

RULE 3:Copy and paste this into your notes , delete my answers, type in your answers and tag to your friends to answer this.

So here goes my answers:

  • Asked someone to marry you? Innocent.
  • Ever kissed someone of the same sex? Innocent.
  • Danced on a table in a bar? Innocent.
  • Ever told a lie? Guilty.
  • Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have back? Guilty.
  • Kissed a picture? Guilty.
  • Slept in until 5 PM? Innocent.
  • Fallen asleep at work/school? Guilty.
  • Held a snake? Innocent.
  • Been suspended from school? Innocent.
  • Worked at a fast food restaurant? Innocent.
  • Stolen from a store? Innocent.
  • Been fired from a job? Innocent.
  • Done something you regret? Guilty.
  • Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Innocent.
  • Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Guilty.
  • Kissed in the rain? Innocent.
  • Sat on a roof top? Innocent.
  • Kissed someone you shouldn't’t? Guilty.
  • Sang in the shower? Guilty.
  • Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Innocent.
  • Shaved your head? Innocent.
  • Had a boxing membership? Innocent.
  • Made a boyfriend cry? Guilty.
  • Been in a band? Innocent.
  • Shot a gun? Innocent.
  • Donated Blood? Innocent.
  • Eaten alligator meat? Innocent.
  • Eaten cheesecake? Innocent.
  • Still love someone you shouldn't’t? Guilty
  • Have/had a tattoo? Innocent.
  • Liked someone, but will never tell who? Guilty
  • Been too honest? Guilty
  • Ruined a surprise? Innocent.
  • Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you couldn't’t walk afterwards? Guilty
  • Erased someone in your friends list? Guilty.
  • Dressed in a woman’s clothes (if you’re a guy) or man’s clothes (if you’re a girl)? Innocent.
  • Joined a pageant? Innocent.
  • Been told that you’re handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? Guilty
  • Had communication with your ex? Guilty
  • Got totally drunk on the night before exam? Innocent
  • Got totally angry that you cried so hard? Guilty.

I would like to pass it to Molly & Amit :)

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Thanks Amit. Think this is something which took more time than any other blog entry in my list. It really was a cool tag and made me scratch my head. :)

1.) Movies - on any channel
2.) Tom and Jerry
3.) Serial - Manasaputri
4.) Serial - parijatam
5.) Music Channels
6.) NA :(
7.) NA :(
8.) NA :(

1.) Marrybrown/MacDonald’s
2.) Chilli Pepper - North Indian/Bihari food
3.) KFC
4.) Subway
5.) Hydrabad Biriyani
6.) Gangotri Chats
7.) Kumarakkom - South Indian and Chinese
8.) Pizza Hut

1.) I got up at 6-30 and spoke to my husband, rather can say fought with him :) or :(.
2.) Took a cup of Tea..that was my breakfast
3.) Had a lays chips packet at 11.
4.) Chatted with Molly.
5.) Spoke to another friend by 10 AM
6.) Worked from 9 AM to 7 PM
7.) Finished reading the Book - 'you are here'
8.) My dad came to visit me at 8 PM.

1.) To be free of the problems I am having right now - includes all of them.
2.) My younger sister’s marriage.
3.) To meet some new good friends/people in life.
4.) To visit few places abroad.
5.) To do my PhD in a good university.
6.) To do some good work for the organisation I work for and get recognised
7.) To do something that makes a difference in the life of the less fortunate people
8.) To be an active blogger.

1.) Long sleepy nights under the quilt.
2.) A hot cup of coffee, potato fries, pakoda, groundnuts :))
3.) Sitting around the fire.
4.) Hot water bath.. and when you don't want to come out
5.) Watching the snow.
6.) sweater and socks.
7.) Sitting in the sun and chatting with friends
8.) watching a movie curled up with a loved one ;)

1.) I want to be a successful professional and a good mother.
2.) I want to have a small beach house for myself to spend my vacations.
3.) Have real good friends/people around to support, care and share
4.) Wish to travel all over the world
5.) Ride a S class, Maroon/Wine red Merc :). I don't want to own it though.
6.) Want to write a book on my life.
7.) Wish that my daughter grows up to be a good human being and a well educated professional
8.) Always wish some time for myself.

1.) Good Music - I love Lata Mangeshkar Songs
2.) Blogging
3.) Good books...for light reading. Don't like the serious ones
4.) Like to travel, see new places
5.) I love to rearrange and modify things at home
6.) Cooking..trying new things
7.) Shopping ;) Window shopping most of the times
8.) Hobbies, craft work, movies.

1.) Good

2.) Hmmm
3.) Get lost
4.) I need a break
5.) OK.
6.) What is happening
7.) Stupid
8.) Hello (often on mobile)

1.) Appearances are deceptive.
2.) Expectations makes us more unhappy. Expect less or nothing in return.
3.) The best things come to you when you least expect it. Believe in the superpower called God.
4.) The goodness you show or do come back in some form or the other. It never goes in vain.
5.) Nothing is perfect, its within us to accept the imperfectness and make the best of it, be it people or circumstances.
6.) Hard work pays, sooner or later. And so does perseverance.
7.) Be yourself. Show off, false image, lies never lasts.
8.) When you want to ask for rights, also think of the responsibility attached. Be there for people who love and care for you.

1.) Rome-Venice
2.) Switzerland
3.) Maldives
4.) Russia
5.) Hawaii islands
6.) The Gulf Countries
7.) Paris
8.) Andaman Nicobar/Lakshadeep

1.) Want to get a new mobile. Confused on what I want :)
2.) Want to watch an entertaining film with a good friend
3.) Want to go on a drive/coffee with someone nice.
4.) Want to write more posts on my blog.
5.) Want to hear some good music and sleep for a while without being disturbed
6.) Want to go shopping. But again am confused about 'what to shop'.. he he
7.) Want to read more blogs and appreciate the creativity in people.
8.) Want to buy some good books to read.

Except the first one I got 8 for all others. Phew.. this was a little tough. All is well that ends well.. Now its your turn my blogger friends and readers.
