Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
I need something that helps me handle my life better everyday. A golden rule, a secret punch line, anything will do.
Looks like we all feel that there is a space inside us which we think we can try to fill with many things. We try money, ambition, sex, drugs, sport, hobby, family, fun, alcohol and even following a religion can fill that space, but somehow these things do not actually in anyway give us the answers we are searching for.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I don't need fake smiles. I don't need half-assed sympathy one liners. If you can't help me, don't give me false hope. If you couldn't care less, just say so. I made a mistake breaking that wall around my heart. Now I think I'm going to have to build it up again. its easier to say.....
I lay alone awake at night, Sorrow fills my eyes
But I'm not strong enough to cry.
Despite of my disguise, I'm left with no shoulder.
But everybody wants to lean on me. I guess I'm their soldier. Well, who's gonna be mine??
Who's there to save the hero, When she's left all alone, And shes crying out for help?
Who's there to save the hero, Who's there to save the girl, After she saves the world?
I bottle all my hurt inside, I guess I'm living a lie. Inside my mind each day I die.
What can bring me back to life?
A simple word, a gesture,Someone to say you're beautiful,
Come find this buried treasure, Rainbows lead to a pot of gold.
Who's there to save the hero, When shes left all alone, And shes crying out for help?
Who's there to save the hero, Who's there to save the girl, After she saves the world?
I've given too much of myself, And now its driving me crazy
I'm crying out for help? Sometimes I wish someone would just come here and save me....
Save me from myself...............
PS: These are not my words, but words which speak exactly what I feel right now and want to express.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I don't ask for gold...I don't ask for treasures...I just need happiness...I just need love...
I seek u o' Lord...With a broken heart...I seek u o' Lord...With a teary eyes...
I seek u o' Lord...When the sun is shining...I seek u o' Lord...When the path is clear...
In Your Mighty name I pray .............amen..........
Sunday, June 21, 2009
This post is from within me. A heartfelt dedication to one such person whom I have been missing right from last evening. I mean every word of it and I know the one who needs to know will know and understand and and and... :(
1. " There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real. "
2. " The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them."
3. " Intimate relationships cannot substitute for a life plan. But to have any meaning or viability at all, a life plan must include intimate relationships. If not many at least one for existence."

People say that I don't have to be worried about things. BUT yes, I am worried about all of it. Any way out?
People say that there will be time, time for everything. YES, Maybe... when I really don't want the time.
People say it is normal. AFTER what I've gone through is it so NORMAL?
People say that it is all about EXPERIENCE. Oh yeah lots of it just that its all AFTER the bad ones...? Good ones become what?? Story or learnings or earnings or yearnings....
People say that SOMETHING are better left alone. BUT if you know MOST of it doesn't it hurt. Nothing can ever be left alone, no matter how much you try, its always there like a big question waiting for the BIGGER answers.
People say to take it EASY. Again EASY.. NO, love is serious. LOVE is everything to me. SO tell me which part is easy? Love to me or Love in itself. Both seems to be so much mixed up.
AT the end of the day, I am the one here, here to face it and living with all of it it. DO other people THINK of how I FEEL? Can they actually feel all of it.. be fair at least a part of all of it??
I don't want it to be easy, I can take it tough, difficult and even rough. I am a big girl and big girls are not supposed to cry or break down but because it all sometimes indirectly is so hard and painful that I break down and get lost.
I don't want be worried about anything. I want to be at peace, peace with myself and with the surroundings, things, people and anything worth mentioning, so someone tell me or show me the way.
I don't want little time with 'You' - I want 'YOU' all to myself. Am I selfish? I don't mind being branded like that if its for 'You'. I will consider it as an 'honour'.
I don't want it to be normal, because I know I am NOT. But so are all others. Show me one Normal person!
I don't want to learn from experience, had enough of it and now all of that has become dark spots in my memory book. I wish I could erase them off. Start fresh page.
The truth is I don't want to know MOST of everything. I just want to know a little, a little of truth and a little of fact and a little of everything which just makes me feel light and takes me through each day without all the worry and pain and hurt and much more. Right now all the everything that I know, All of what I can tell myself they are all 'not truths' yet they are not lies. There lies the difference. Two wrongs becoming right. Weird and absurd but true in itself.
I don't want to take anything easy anymore because when I take it easy I feel I don't care anymore.

Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Monday, June 08, 2009
It's amazing how I can be surrounded by family, people I love, close friends, people I am truly invested in, both in thoughts and around me and still feel this biting, stinging loneliness.
Nothing I do, say or whatever happening keeps the loneliness at bay. No matter what I know it's always there, like the air, surrounding me, waiting for the silence to fall so it can grasp my beating heart and squeeze it blood-dry. Why is this feeling so deadly scaring and yet keeping me alive to give me a totally new experience each time they come to me.
And the more I remove myself from a situation, the further I get away from it, they still follow me, haunt me with their unique ways. I always thought that it's so easy to forget the little details but they just wont leave me, they stay and cloud my memory. Wish it rains, and clears this clouds. I cry, thinking that these clouds will be cleared, guess the clouds hold a lot of water which wont get over anytime in near future. There are certain situations, intense, dramatic, intensely subtle, dramatically instantaneous, that don't fade, no matter how hard I wish they would. How much more can I hold, keep deep within and yet live with it all everyday. I wish I could just drop down all the luggage am carrying and relax a while.
I am forgetting the things I want to, I must remember and remember the things I want to, I must forget. Oh Life ! let me out of this trap please. I need a life.. a better one than this. I for sure deserve something better than this. And it's in this paradox, this cliche, that I am trapped.
Trapped willingly or unwillingly? That's the real question. Am I willing myself to remember and live the rough, the bad, the painful, the sad, or is it really out of my control, this randomly selective memory of mine? This experience which life is giving me, is it a gift or a punishment?
Closing on a positive note, being sort of an optimist about things, I conclude this way. In the entire process I just realized that whatever life gives me, I am stuck with it. I really might not like the situation, but I do have a certain amount of power somewhere within me so that I can live life to make it the fullest, richest existence possible, imperfections and all. Most importantly, I realized that my weaknesses or apparent shortcomings are sometimes the things that distinguish me, comprise my unique personality, essentially becoming my strengths. A person who is very stubborn or hard-nosed can turn his or her stubbornness into initiative, drive, and powerful focus. A person who feels the need to please everyone can turn his or her inability to say no into balanced kindness and compassion. I don't know if I’m making any sense to the one reading this, but to me, I feel deep inside like this and this is completely true. I have to tell myself this a lot lately. I have to tell myself that I can't transform who I am, but I can make things better, beginning with accepting myself and turning my weaknesses into my strengths. I think that if I tell myself this enough, I might begin to start believing it. Do I believe in anything? Good Day and hoping to have a pleasant week at work and more importantly, mentally !
Friday, June 05, 2009

The moment's have passed by. I feel ready to pour it out to someone, let down my walls which jails me in these repetitive thoughts..but come morning, the feeling fades. At least I think they have.. and the feeling is good. :) things are achingly clear in the daylight. I think that's why the sunlight is considered to clear. I think it clears the clouds of the night gets the thoughts clearly refined.hmmm...
I think love I get and give is enough. Love is enough to get me through this and more. I have love to give. My heart is bursting with love, bursting to the point of breaking with all that brings pain and yet I say its nothing but love in some form or the other which is breaking my heart. With love comes indomitable power. With love comes unbearable pain. But most importantly, with love comes the possibility for infinite happiness. I'm playing with fire, walking a thin line between life and death, and I don't know how to stop myself. Free falling, head first, desperately hoping to land in one piece. Hoping for the hopeless in a way, yet cant stop hoping. Life hangs on hope. Doesn't it for all of us?
Wednesday, June 03, 2009

"All good things are wild, and free." - said someone. Guess its true to quite an extent.
"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot" - said another someone and that's what I followed. Yet to find out if it was right or 'not' right. All I know is it was 'not wrong' :)) Confused? So am I..he he.